The Greatest Prize

By: Amphitrite (

Rated: PG

Pairing: Violet/Veruca

Summary: Violet has earned her 264th trophy without even having realized it.




Violet is constantly bragging about her 263 medals and trophies. When Veruca arrived at her house, the first thing Violet did was show off the products of her numerous championships. Veruca smiles tightly and politely compliments her achievements, but inside, she couldn’t care less. Violet may have come out top in many competitions, but her home is nowhere near as grand as Veruca’s mansion in Buckinghamshire and her clothes are nowhere near as pretty and sophisticated as Veruca’s. Violet doesn’t even own a pony.




She thinks that perhaps Violet deserves to have 264 trophies, for she has won the greatest and most brag-worthy prize of all—


She has ensnared Veruca Salt’s heart.