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recommended archives
These are some of my favorite places to go when I'm looking for something to read. Some are the pages of prolific and talented authors, some are fandom archives, and some are pairing-specific archives. Obviously, this is nothing close to a comprehensive list.

Livejournal Holiday Exchange Master List

Brokeback Mountain:
jenny's Brokeback Mountain stories - Ennis/Jack
MadLori's Big Heap of BBM Fic Recs - Ennis/Jack

DC Comics Universe
More Than Friends - Superman/Batman
World's Finest - Superman & Batman, Superman/Batman
Mithen's Livejournal - Superman/Batman + others

Harry Potter:
Harry/Draco ship_manifesto
The Original Big Bang Baby Challenge Archive - Harry/Draco
Apres L'ecole - Post-Hogwarts Harry/Draco
Snape/Lupin Resource List
Chocolate Frog: McKay and Arionrhod's Fanfiction - Snape/Lupin

Pirates of the Caribbean:
The Blacksmith's Pirate - Jack/Will
Jack/Will ship_manifesto

Ranma 1/2:
The Penultimate Ranma Fanfic Index

Places to Find Transformers Fic