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harry potter fanfiction
(alphabetized by title)

---Away From Home | 1 | March 2006
Ginny leaves. Luna learns to stand on her own.
Ginny/Luna | Angst/Romance | PG-13

---Beauty & Brains | 1 | March 2004
Narcissa thinks beauty can get you everything. Andromeda disagrees.
General | G

---Content | 1 | February 2004
"We meld together again; and I will never get tired of the sensations I feel now."
Harry/Draco | General | R

---One Night and Many More | 1 | June 2006
Pansy visits Hermione at night.
Hermione/Pansy | General/Romance | PG-13

---Perfection | 1 | March 2004
"Lily never got tired of kissing Narcissa."
Narcissa/Lily | General/Romance | PG-13

---Smell | 1 | April 2004
Narcissa smells like fruit in the summer.
Narcissa/Lily | General | PG

---Stargazer | 1 | May 2004
A night at a pureblood social event through the eyes of Andromeda Black, Narcissa’s sister.
James/Lucius, Narcissa/Lily | General/Drama | PG-13